The power of charisma

The power of charisma

We are nearly three weeks into 2017. How many resolutions have you kept? It’s easy to make a bold proclamation about doing more exercise, being more careful with money or quitting a bad habit on New Year’s Eve (we blame the champagne) but if you...

Stand up for Women in Comedy

This week, I chaired the Royal Television Society (RTS) ‘Women in Comedy’ event at ITV Studios in London. The panel included Sophie Taitt (Head of Production, Comedy, BBC, about to move to a new role for Netflix in LA); Saskia Schuster (Commissioning Editor, Comedy,...
Unlucky Number 7 for Samsung

Unlucky Number 7 for Samsung

The writing was on the wall for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, and I had an inkling that all might not be well when I returned from the Sibos financial conference in Geneva last week. As the plane prepared for takeoff, the cabin crew advised passengers that ‘all...