Crisis Planning
Crisis planning to prevent or successfully manage a crisis
Crisis Planning is as much about preventing an incident becoming a crisis for your business or organisation, as it is about managing a crisis expertly, when it arises. It’s also about being able to confidently handle any challenging media interviews that could happen without notice.
A crisis plan is a valuable asset, and the exercise to develop and produce one, gives you the opportunity to address the robustness of your current processes and procedures.
The ‘what if’ question is something that sits at the backs of minds of many leadership teams. Yet the reality is that, at some point, you will have to deal with a crisis. It may be an environmental matter, a health crisis, a cyber-attack, a tragic accident, a sudden slump in performance, or any unexpected event. A Crisis Plan is the one thing you wished you had prepared for, if you could have your time again.
Success Story
Here’s an example of how we responded to a request to produce a Crisis Communications Plan and Handbook for a global aviation client.
They have 1,200 employees and work with over 2,500 airports in more than 175 countries, from the busiest and largest including Atlanta, Beijing, Dubai, Heathrow, Charles De Gaulle, Frankfurt, Istanbul, New Delhi and Changi, to the fast-growing airports across Asia and Africa.
The crisis media planning sessions were invaluable, and have definitely made us feel more prepared and reassured. This has given our team the skills and confidence to manage any possible interviews.
We really value your expertise, advice and feedback.
The Babaco Media team delivered insights and knowledge on crisis planning that we hadn’t thought through previously.
Brilliant facilitation and coaching skills, providing constructive feedback throughout, and we really liked the written reports they produced afterwards; an excellent learning tool in itself. Our team, who are based all over the world, learnt valuable lessons in crisis media too.
The crisis media scenario was great to practice in a safe environment, and gave us the opportunity to work as a team on our key messages.
A really good day – a great training double act – well done and many thanks.