Tweet in Pique

Tweet in Pique

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Google+ (if that’s still a thing)… The beauty of social networking is that your message can be up online for all to see at a speed impeded only by your typing speed. The downside is that once published, it will leave a...
Poker Faces

Poker Faces

The racist, xenophobic, and thoroughly buffoonish Major from Fawlty Towers once pronounced that he ‘hates Germans…love women.’ ‘What about German women?’ asks Connie Booth, mischievously. ‘Good card players!’ is the...
Game Changers

Game Changers

The recent passing of Shirley Temple at the age of 85 came only a few days after what would’ve been the 101st birthday of Rosa Parks. Both names conjure an immediate, powerful image: the dancing girl, all dimples and ringlets, and the footsore unmovable...


The opposing sides of the House of Commons face each other across a strip of carpet two rapier lengths wide. When you stand at the dispatch box, you realise it looks a lot bigger on the telly. There was a time when MPs had a full dressing-up box to reflect their...
Lost for Words

Lost for Words

At the risk of being called Luddites, whenever a client asks us to teach them how to use technology to enhance their speaking, we tend to start with ‘What to do when the technology fails, as it most assuredly will at some point.’ So you won’t be...